LGEX INC is a private limited company with shared capital registered under the Company Act 1991 – Republic of Guyana. The management team of the LGEX INC maximizes on the opportunities available through local content development and built mutually beneficial partnerships and affiliations with suppliers across Guyana to deliver the highest quality goods and services in the fastest turnaround time.
At the LGEX INC, we understand the dynamic of the Oil and Gas Supply chain, and the challenges faced with the high demands in a small and rising nation. That is why we are not afraid think outside the box, and we find solutions customized for our clients.
Having duly examined the situation for supplies to the local market and the oil and gas sector, we are confident that our proposed services will effectively address your needs. Our goal is to be the top contributor to your supply process. Our Successful track record in the supplies industry makes us an invaluable partner and, we look forward to serving you!
Family & work-life balance matters here at LGEX.INC. We believe that happy employees are productive employees. If you’re interested in a career opportunity where you can grow skillsets, earning potential, and confidence in your career, inquire about open positions today!
Why Choose US
What We Do
One definition of business logistics is “having the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place”.
Why We Do It Better
Business logistics incorporates all industry sectors and aims to manage the fruition of project life cycles, supply chains.
How We Succeed
The main functions of a qualified logistician include inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing.